I’m guessing (maybe hoping!) that you’ve taken some time to look through my website to learn a little bit more about myself and my private practice. Just like most websites the information you’ve found is well organized and detailed. My intention was to have it speak to the type of professional I am and the therapy you will find here, but the blog will be a little different! I’d like to use this platform as a means of getting good information out to all of my families in an easy to understand and personal way!
But before we get to that…. let’s get the official business out of the way!
All information shared on this blog is meant to be a helpful resource to parents to help get you started in the right direction. There are many factors that contribute to a child’s speech development, and the scope of this blog is not to address all of the issues, but to give insight at a basic level on how to help your child improve their speech & language as they grow.
All information and links shared here are believed to be reliable However, the content is neither exhaustive nor conclusive. It is intended to be used at the discretion of the reader.
The information here is intended to support you. It is not meant to replace the consultation or intervention of an ASHA certified speech language pathologist. If you are concerned with your child’s speech and/or language development please feel free to contact us through our website.
Long story short, please read and use the information provided here at your discretion.